Discover how small classes and a nature-loving philosophy help our students to thrive

These challenging times mean it has never been more important to carefully consider children’s wellbeing and happiness. So many people, both young and old, are anxious about the future. That’s why in 2009 we created a school that is truly different: prioritising the development of inner strength and social skills that can empower children to build the peaceful, tolerant world most of us yearn for.

We have a strong focus on resilience. This is not just a module bolted on to the regular curriculum; it has been deliberately and carefully built into our day-to-day educational programme and into the caring, respectful way our team of talented and committed educators support each student.

Small class sizes enable our educators to deliver our advanced, holistic curriculum in a way that is personalised to each child. This allows us to support them on their unique path and make the academic curriculum meaningful through real-world experiences.

We keep our fees as low as possible to make this opportunity accessible to more families. If you would like to find out more, please do get in touch.

Mike Rea
Seven Oaks School Principal


Our skilled educators are able to push the boundaries of their students’ imagination


Students choose what interests them and we help them build and extend their abilities


Our small classes and caring educators help students get the most out of school

Our principal Mike is happy to show you around and answer your questions



Children move through many crucial, short-lived developmental stages on their path to adulthood. Psychologists believe each stage provides the foundation for future stages, and that missing stages can limit future development.

The learning journey at Seven Oaks is designed to optimise the brain’s natural development, while honouring each individual and the natural variations each child experiences along their pathway.

Each student at Seven Oaks follows a unique path, moving on to each new stage when they are ready, but the year and age groups are broadly outlined below.

AGES 5 – 7

YEARS 0 - 2

These early years are critical to developing a positive sense of identity at school – our caring community makes the transition easy for the child and their parents/caregivers
AGES 7 – 9

YEARS 3 - 4

Exploring and observing, discovering and explaining – lots of hands-on experiences and activities give a practical and personalised context to emerging academic skills
AGES 9 – 11

YEARS 5 - 6

With a strong focus on creativity and self-expression, team and leadership skills and personal growth, we encourage social responsibility and ask students to listen to their hearts and minds
AGES 11 – 13

YEARS 7 - 8

As our students start to look towards new horizons, we ensure their skills are cemented and encourage independence, confidence and respect for others and the environment

Considering a new school is a big deal – you’re welcome to ask questions or come and visit



School performance is traditionally measured by their academic results via Progressive Achievement Tests or other quantitative tests. Seven Oaks scores are outstanding in these tests, however our children’s happiness and parents’ satisfaction are the most important measures that motivate us to evolve and fine-tune the education we offer. Our students’ strong academic results are a natural outcome of the attention we pay to their social and emotional growth.

Educator’s communication

Holistic growth focus

Experiential learning

Quality of education

What parents say

Seven Oaks Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) Results 2019

(Percentage above national average by length of time at Seven Oaks)

This graph illustrates the typical growth in academic results according to how long students have spent at Seven Oaks – the longer they spend at Seven Oaks the stronger their academic results.

Based on our PAT scores, students who start at year 1 are likely to be almost 60% above the national average by the time they finish year 8.


